Remote management of a standalone Hyper-V 2012 Server

This post mainly focuses on managing a standalone Hyper-V 2012 server with MMC tools. Hyper-V server is basically a server core installation. Server core can be managed using the command line through a remote desktop session but most tasks can be done remotely using the standard (MMC based) management tools.

  1. Since this is a standalone server we have to assume there is no DNS entry for this server. So first we need to add an entry in the hosts file on the workstation from where we want to manage the HyperV server.Edit the C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file (you may need to give yourself permissions to edit the file).
    Add the ip address and name of the HyperV server and save the hosts file.
  2. Now we need to adjust the firewall on the Hyper-V server and the remote computer for remote administration to work.On the server execute the following command:netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”remote administration” new enable=yesYou may receive the following error: “No rules match the specified criteria”. The cause of the error seems to be that the “remote administration group” doesn’t exist. In this case run the following command first. This will create the rule group:

    netsh firewall set service type=remoteadmin mode=enable

    You will receive the following warning but the command is successful:IMPORTANT: Command executed successfully.
    However, “netsh firewall” is deprecated;
    use “netsh advfirewall firewall” instead.
    For more information on using “netsh advfirewall firewall” commands
    instead of “netsh firewall”, see KB article 947709

    Now repeat the command and it will succeed:

    netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”remote administration” new enable=yes

    Updated 3 rule(s).


  3. To allow access to disk management remotely run the following command on the server and the remote computer:

    netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Remote Volume Management” new enable=yes
  4. Since the Hyper-V Server is not a member of a domain, establish alternate credentials to use to connect to the Hyper-V server by typing the following command at a command prompt on the remote computer:

    cmdkey /add:<ServerName> /user:<UserName> /pass:<password>
  5. In order to be able to use Server Manager we need to modify the TrustedHosts list for the WinRM client on the remote computer:

    Set-Item WSMAN:\localhost\client\trustedhosts -value YOURSERVERNAME -concatenate

Now you should be able to administer Hyper-V remotely using MMC based management tools. You can download the RSAT (remote server administration tools) for your client OS here:

